“‘Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build my house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored,’ says the Lord.”
-Haggai 1:8-
In May of 2014 I will be climbing Denali, the tallest mountain on the North American continent, with Christian flag in hand, to raise support for the building of a church in the most remote region of the Himalayas. Consider partnering with me to raise $19,300 and secure the land for the first church ever built within the district of Humla, Nepal. Thanks to a sympathetic donor, your donations up to $10,000 will now be matched, dollar for dollar!

Humla is the highest district in Nepal – higher than the Solukhumbu District, where Everest is located – with 89 percent of the land ranging in elevation from 9,800 to more than 16,500 feet (3,000-5,000 meters). There are no roads, and no electricity and no communication network in most of the district. There is, however, a deeply rooted belief in Tibetan Buddhism. Some of Nepal’s oldest Buddhist monasteries – dating back as far as 1,000 years – are found in Humla. Trekkers from around the world join Buddhists and Hinduists on the trail leading northwest from the capitol of Simikot toward China, four or five days walk away, and on to their holy Mount Kailash.

In a nation that is considered 97 percent “unreached” by the Gospel, Humla stands out. For many it is a district that is out of reach. I have partnered with Climbing for Christ to raise $19,300 to purchase land in the heart of Humla to establish their first ever Christian church.
Climbing for Christ is a Christian organization whose mission is to take the Gospel to those living in mountainous areas of the world where other missionaries cannot or will not go. When Climbing for Christ first arrived in Humla on mission in 2012, there were fewer than 10 Christians in a region of over 50,000 people. Just a couple of years later and the Christian community has now grown to more than 100.

This growing Christian community has organized in a local house under the direction of local Pastor Harka. With the funds raised, the church will be able to purchase land adjacent to the district hospital in order to begin building their much-needed church. Please consider partnering with me financially and in prayer for the church in Humla.
If you would like to support the church plant in Humla please fill out the form below. Climbing for Christ is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible. My climb is fully funded so any donation would go directly to the work in Nepal. If you would like to learn more about Climbing for Christ please visit their website at www.climbingforchrist.org or read the most recent trip report on the church in Humla. To read about the church built in Rolpa in 2012 go here. Thank you for your prayers!
Thanks to a sympathetic donor, your donations up to $10,000 will now be matched, dollar for dollar!
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So far we have raised $18,034 towards our $19,300 target! Thank you for your support.